Archive for the ‘Activities’ category


Ixtapa Zihuatanejo Fishing Conditions – Oct 9, 2009

October 9, 2009

The 80° blue water has cooled down a bit from last week, and has moved in very close to the beach. This should improve the fishing, but we have had a series of hard rains and wind and a full moon period, combined with few clients fishing. An accurate picture of the fishing action is […]


Fishing Report – September 18

September 18, 2008

Ixtapa Zihuatanejo, Mexico Fishing Conditions Fishing has been relative slow here this last week. Part of the blame is the fishing has actually been slow, but the main reason is there are very few charters going out fishing to find the concentrations and areas of fish. We have only 4 to 5 boats a day […]


Fishing Report – September 11

September 11, 2008

Ixtapa Zihuatanejo, Mexico Fishing Conditions With the recent rains, the blue water has moved out to the 15 mile mark, with a distinctive weed line defining the separation of off colored water and the blue water. The demarcation line is also holding game fish. Martin, on the 35 foot cruiser Nautilus, fished the weed line […]


Fishing Report – September 3rd

September 3, 2008

Ixtapa Zihuatanejo, Mexico Fishing Conditions After a very below normal rainfall for August, we had a bit of rain this last week, which caused a lot of debris to come out of the rivers. Late Monday night we got a huge thunderstorm with 2 1/4″ of rain in one hour. This wiped out the inshore […]


Fishing Report – August 28

August 28, 2008

Ixtapa Zihuatanejo, Mexico Fishing Conditions The fishing has been a bit slow this week. With the blue water only 6 miles off the beach, the conditions would seem to be very good, but we have had wind at least 4 days so far this week. The wind has kept the sailfish average down to only […]


Fishing Report- Aug 21

August 21, 2008

Ixtapa Zihuatanejo, Mexico Fishing Conditions With the full moon late this last week, we are experiencing the normal slow down in the action. The blue water is still close to the beach, with all conditions leading to excellent fishing, if the moon phase would just cooperate. However, the 1 to 2 sailfish per boat per […]


Fishing Report – August 14

August 15, 2008

Ixtapa Zihuatanejo, Mexico Fishing Conditions The 82º blue water is just a couple of miles off the beach. Fishing has been very good for sailfish, but poor for marlin, tuna, and dorado. Most boats are averaging 2 to 3 sailfish a day each. Early in the week, Martin, on the Nautilus released 4 sails. The […]


Fishing Report – August 7

August 7, 2008

Ixtapa Zihuatanejo, Mexico Fishing Conditions With the 80º blue water just a mile off the beach, the fleet is not going much more than 6 or 8 miles for a 2 to 3 sailfish per day average, per boat. The occasional floating log is still producing large dorado, but to find the log is mostly […]


Fishing Report – July 31

July 31, 2008

Ixtapa Zihuatanejo, Mexico Fishing Conditions The sailfish action has really been on the upswing. Talking to Martin on the Nautilus (Martin no longer owns the Isamar, and has bought a 35 foot twin diesel cruiser), he told me “mucho pesca”. Which translates to “a lot of fish”. I feel this is just a part of […]

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