November 24, 2009
M3BD7S96B3FA The 84° blue water is still on the beach. We have had almost a month of these conditions, and the good fishing has remained very close. Very few boats are going out beyond the 10 mile mark to average about 2 or 3 sailfish a day and a couple of dorado. Bob Barker of […]
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July 30, 2008
Kent Paterson | July 29, 2008 Americas Policy Program, Center for International Policy (CIP) At first, a song about the Mississippi Delta belted out on the moonlit shore of Zihuatanejo Bay, Mexico, seemed out of place. But the bluesy tune performed by U.S. musicians at this year’s Zihuatanejo International Guitar Festival struck a chord […]
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July 27, 2008
My son, Jacob, recently turned me on to a couple of amazing guitarists from the region of Ixtapa, Mexico, who go by Rodrigo y Gabriela. As I was totally blown away by their music, they will be happy to know that I have personally purchased at least ten of their CDs as gifts for friends… […]
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July 15, 2008
Coming to Ixtapa Zihuatanejo? Got your plane tickets, passport, bathing suit and money? Good. How about common sense? Too often, people travel to Mexico encased in a “bubble” of security. Security in the fact that they are an American, Canadian, or citizen of ____ (fill in the blank), and that should things go wrong, they […]
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June 28, 2008
Taxi Fares – 2008 NOTES: All rates are in Mexican Pesos. $1 (CDN/US) is approximately $10 pesos. There is an extra charge of 5 or 10 pesos if you call a cab by phone. There is an extra charge of 40% for air conditioning, although it is not always applied. Add 50% to all rates […]
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