Top 5 Ways To Ruin Your Vacation In Mexico
Coming to Ixtapa Zihuatanejo? Got your plane tickets, passport, bathing suit and money? Good. How about common sense?
Too often, people travel to Mexico encased in a “bubble” of security. Security in the fact that they are an American, Canadian, or citizen of ____ (fill in the blank), and that should things go wrong, they are protected by their laws.
WRONG. Abosultely, undeniably, completely wrong.
This article is not intended to scare you – Mexico is is a wonderful country with fabulous people, and Ixtapa Zihuatanejo has some of the best hotels and beaches around. What this article will try to do is awaken your common sense a little. I have seen too many vacations, and lives, ruined to keep silent!
Mistake #1 – You are not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy
The instant you cross the border into another country, not just Mexico, you are subject to their laws and customs, not yours. Mexican law is very different from most other countries in one big way – you are guilty until proven innocent. (Look up ‘Napoleonic law’ if you are interested). I cannot count the number of times I have heard an American or Canadian say “but I’m innocent, you can’t throw me in jail!”, or “I’m an American!”. Forget it. In Mexico, you are subject to the same laws as any Mexican. Do a google search for “Brenda Martin” if you want to find out how “easy” it is to return home if you are accused of something.
Mistake #2 – Mexico is a party-til-you-drop, anything goes kind of place
Sure, you are on vacation and there are plenty of places to party in Ixtapa Zihuatanejo. Just bear in mind the following points:
- Alcohol. At a minimum, excessive drinking leaves you wide open to opportunists, and that includes the police. Not to mention that alcohol is the leading cause of injury to tourists.
- Drugs. No, no and no. You do not want to see the inside of the jail in Zihuatanejo. Unfortunately, with the huge demand for drugs in the USA, Mexico has become a major pipeline for illegal drugs, and as such, the Mexican government is engaged in a war with the drug cartels.
- Weapons. Don’t even carry a pocket knife.
Mistake #3 – Come on in, the water’s fine
The beaches in Ixtapa Zihuatanejo are some of the most beautiful in all of Mexico. Several of them are on the open Pacific ocean however and demand respect. Breaking surf and strong undertows are common, and when coupled with a pitcher of margaritas, can prove fatal.
Mistake #4 – I’m insured.
By all means, drive to Ixtapa Zihuatanejo (it will take about 3 easy days from the border), but remember – your US or Canadian auto insurance is NOT VALID in Mexico. Coupled with #1 above, it can lead to a serious headache if you have even a minor fender-bender. Arrange adequate insurance before you leave (don’t buy it at the border – the rates are astronomical and the claims process… well…). Lewis and Lewis in Califormia is a good, and I am sure there are others. You may be surprised how low the liability coverages are – that is because the courts in Mexico do not award punitive damages, only actual. Not a bad idea.
If you do have an accident, keep in mind the following:
Call your insurance company. Part of what you pay for is a ‘get out of jail free’ card, or more specifically, you will not be thrown in jail as the insurance company will respond on your behalf. The reason people are jailed for a traffic accident is to ensure that someone is held responisble. Both parties will be jailed until the blame is apportioned. With insurance, the Mexican authorities have the guarantee of payment should you be found guilty.
DO NOT pay anything to the traffic police that respond to your accident. Follow the process and insist on written infractions, it can result in your favour as well. A common trick is to ask for $100US or more so that your car is not impounded.
Mistake #5 – Mexicans are lazy bandidos from a 3rd world country
Don’t even get me started on this one! Suffice to say that I don’t know a lot of people that would mix concrete 10 hours a day under a hot sun for $15US.
Sep 2, 2008 %I:%M %p |
whoever wrote this racist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sep 3, 2008 %I:%M %p |
I think if you would read it more carefully, you would find quite the opposite. At least it isn’t signed ‘anonymous’.
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